Monday, November 12, 2012

New University to Open in Kenyan Refugee Camp

I found this post interesting for two reasons. One: I had no idea that Africa's largest refugee camp was located in Kenya--let alone, I had no idea that it is mainly Somalians that live in the refugee camp. Two: I think this is a fantastic thing to do! It gives refugees the opportunity to better themselves, build a future for themselves and help society out. In a continent like Africa where the numbers of educated are still low, this new university helps provide hope for many--especially those who have lost their home because of war and poverty. Also, educated women are more likely to have children that survive childhood. This is a great solution and I think Kenya and the refugees will only benefit.


  1. ...I Love How My Comment Didn't Post....

    Stories like these are hard to come by in a country so entrenched in hopelessness. I do give them credit for making moves in the right direction. By educating those in the refugee camp, survival rate may increase.

  2. I love these uplifting articles because as Jenn said they are hard to come by when talking about Africa.Creating a university in a place where the people literally and figuratively have no where to go is a great idea, and will up the countries low education rate as well as give the people of the refugee camp hope and direction.

  3. I have to agree with everyone who has commented to far. It is great to see something good happen in a whole lot of bad going on. Let's hope that this can be a start for better education and higher education rates for these people.
